Ticket Printing Press

Printing and ticket presses have blanchard ground steel side frames with precision ground rollers which are a necessity for a quality print.
Sequential Numbering Stations

SpecSoft's numbering stations are designed to print numbers on event tickets, raffle tickets, parking tickets, lottery tickets, checks, money orders, etc.
Unwinds and Rewinds

We offer unwinds and rewinds for virtually any application. Your requirements will dictate the exact machine
Perforating, Punching, and Slitting

Rotary perf, punch, and slitting units can be added to existing presses or can be incorporated into a new machine.
Flexographic Coaters

These flexographic coaters are built to SpecSoft's robust standards for high reliability under heavy production conditions. They are available in off-line and on-line versions for a variety of coating applications.

Our Slitter-Rewinder machines are robust machines designed for 24/7 operation.

Slitters and Sheeters are customized to your requirements.
Sheet Laminator

SpecSoft's sheet laminator features adjustability for different sheet sizes and thicknesses, quick changeovers, and operator friendly operation.